Financial aid officer John Arguelles works with senior Kristine Pineda in Dutton Hall to secure funding for her senior year. "Stay focused," Arguelles tells the students as they leave.
According to Lora Jo Bossio, associate director for undergraduate financial aid, her office of 19 will have processed financial aid applications for well more than 10,000 students this fall, a good number of whom are brand-new to the financial aid world.
"We have a number of entering students, and they are trying to understand the system. We're having more phone calls and in-person visits because the students want reassurance. The whole credit-debit idea is new to them," she says.
The new facilities at Dutton Hall, which consolidated a divided staff, is making it easier to work, Bossio reports. Also, the new front-desk set-up offers students more confidentiality when speaking to financial aid staffers.
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Susanne Rockwell, Web and new media editor, (530) 752-2542,