Quick Summary
- Interdisciplinary Graduate and Professional Research Symposium, April 7-8
- Undergraduate Research, Scholarship and Creative Activities Conference, April 8-9
- Postdoctoral Research Symposium, May 18
Student discoveries and creative activities will be on display at two events this week, one for undergraduates, the other for graduate and professional students. A similar event for postdoctoral scholars is scheduled in mid-May.
This week's programs, free and open to the public:
Interdisciplinary Graduate and Professional Student Symposium — Featuring nearly 100 oral and poster presentations, performances and artwork. Thursday and Friday (April 7 and 8). IGPS 2016 also will include qualifying presentations for the UC Grad Slam.
Undergraduate Research, Scholarship and Creative Activities Conference — Some 550 undegrads are signed up for this year's event, the 27th annual. Oral and poster presentations, and an arts exhibit. Friday and Saturday (April 8 and 9).
IGPS 2016
The Interdisciplinary Graduate and Professional Student Symposium, sponsored by the Graduate Student Association, the Office of Graduate Studies, and the Internship and Career Center, provides the opportunity for students to showcase their research and pick up presentation experience, and fosters interdisciplinary connections.
The symposium takes place at the Conference Center. Thursday's program comprises oral presentations and panel discussions (12:30 to 4:45 p.m.) and poster sessions, during which students discuss their work with circulating conferencegoers (5 to 7 p.m.). The Friday program includes oral sessions (9 to 11:45 a.m.) and performances and artwork (3 to 5 p.m.).
The symposium also will include a number of career workshops: using LinkedIn for job searches; informational interviews; preparing for interviews; career options for advanced degrees; and tips for international scholars.
An awards dinner, with keynote address by Beth Rose Middleton, an associate professor of Native American studies, is scheduled for 5 p.m. Friday in the Conference Center Ballroom. Registration is required for the dinner.
As part of the IGPS Symposium, eight finalists will vie to represent UC Davis in the systemwide Grad Slam competition, by explaining their research in ways that interest, excite and engage the public — all within three minutes. The presentations are scheduled from 1:30 to 3 p.m. Friday at the Conference Center. The systemwide competition, including $10,000 in prize money, will be held during the California Workforce of the Future Summit in San Francisco on April 22.
Undergraduate conference

The Undergraduate Research, Scholarship and Creative Activities Conference starts with poster presentations and arts exhibit, 3 to 6 p.m. Friday in The Pavilion at the ARC, and continues with oral presentations from 1 to 4:30 p.m. Saturday in Wellman Hall.
The conference, organized by a campuswide committee, is designed to acquaint undergraduates with the process and rigors of presenting scholarly research.
“Participants are building skills from learning to write an abstract to synthesizing difficult information for a more general audience as well as practicing public speaking,” said Tammy Hoyer, assistant director of the Undergraduate Research Center and chair of the organizing committee. “These skills are valued by graduate and professional schools as well as future employers.”
About 5,000 undergraduates conduct research in any given year, typically working directly with faculty, postdoctoral researchers and graduate students. UC Davis offers opportunities for undergraduates to compete for grants and awards and publish their work.
More information is available online on the Undergraduate Research Center website or by email, urc@ucdavis.edu.
Postdoctoral Research Symposium
The second annual Postdoctoral Research Symposium is scheduled for Wednesday, May 18, at the Conference Center, providing an opportunity for postdocs to showcase their research and interact across disciplines. The symposium includes oral presentations (10 minutes long) and poster presentations, and — new this year — panel discussions. Two panels will run concurrently, one on the topic of social media in research; and the other on copyright, patents and spinoffs.
The schedule: presentations and panel discussions, 8 a.m. to 5:30 p.m. (lunch provided for all preregistered attendees); and awards ceremony (refreshments provided), 5:30 to 7:30 p.m. The symposium is free and open to the public; the symposium's website includes a link for online registration.
Media Resources
Julia Ann Easley, 530-752-8248, jaeasley@ucdavis.edu