UC Davis announced two staff forums to gather more input and ideas on dealing with budget cuts. The sessions are scheduled as follows, both from 8:30 to 10 a.m.:
- March 21 — ARC Ballroom B
- April 1 — Putah Creek Lodge
Staff Assembly Chair Lin King said his organization is fully supportive of the forums and urges people to attend. "A lot of front-line people may have great, creative ideas; they've just never been heard."
People interested in attending the forums are asked to enroll via Staff Development & Professional Services: sdps.ucdavis.edu/online.htm (enter your employee identification number, click on "Enroll in a Course" and go to the Business & Administration section, then enroll in the Campus Budget Planning Forum). For assistance, contact Staff Development & Professional Services, (530) 752-1766 or sdps@ucdavis.edu.
Budget suggestions and questions also are welcome via e-mail (budget@ucdavis.edu) and SmartSite (smartsite.ucdavis.edu; join the budget worksite by clicking on "Membership").
For response to comments and questions, and budget news: www.news.ucdavis.edu/special_reports/budget.
-- Dateline staffMedia Resources
Dave Jones, Dateline, 530-752-6556, dljones@ucdavis.edu